How to connect to VPS by using PuTTY in MAC?

To access the VPS by using PuTTY on MAC, you have to follow some steps:

Step 1: Download PuTTY on Mac

In macOS, you usually get some command line magic out of the box. But for PuTTY, we'll need to bring it in. Just run this command in your terminal:

brew install putty

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Step 2: Configure the Connection

Now, let's get PuTTY all set up:

  1. Open up the PuTTY configuration window.

  2. In the "Host Name" section, type in the IP address or hostname of your VPS.

  3. Set the connection type to SSH and the port number to 22.

  4. For future ease, give your session a name in the "Saved Sessions" section and hit "Save."

Step 3: Establish the Connection

  1. Click that "Open" button and get the ball rolling.

  2. When prompted, type in your VPS username and password.

Voila! You're now connected to your VPS, and you've got the power to manage and control it right from your comfy Mac environment. PuTTY on Mac? Done and dusted.